
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

At the world race, they describe the seasons of difficulty and hardship on the field as b-zone. It comes after a-zone, which is the season where things are new and exciting. Often times when people experience the hardship of b-zone, they are tempted to quit. It is the valley after a breathtaking mountaintop view. It is a season with tears and pain and scary what-ifs. It is a whirlwind of emotions and wondering whether or not anything is even worth it. 

Since being sick, I have found myself in quite a b-zone. 

Not only was I physically not feeling well, I was also emotionally and mentally drained. I questioned where the Lord was in all of it. I wondered what would happen if I didn’t get better. I dreamt about what it would be like to sleep in my own bed again, with the comfort of my parents being right upstairs if something went seriously wrong.

Personally, I don’t think one can ever fully understand b-zone until they’ve experienced it for themselves. Even now as I write this blog I find myself struggling to truly express how it feels to wade through a b-zone. 

Truthfully, the Lord is with us through the highs and lows of life. He is in the a-zones and the b-zones. He is the God of both. Both can be used for His glory. After all, Romans 8:28 says that the Lord works everything for His good. 

But when you’re trapped in a big fat b-zone, it is hard to remember that. 

The beautiful thing about all of this is that the Lord is so good not to leave us there, because there is also a c-zone. C-zone is reached only if you are willing to push through the pain of b-zone. It is the glorious, life giving season where you bear the fruit of pushing through your difficult trials. It is a view more breathtaking than the views of a-zone. It is the beauty from the ashes of your blood, sweat, and tears poured out in b-zone. 

The other day the Lord reminded me of this after I finally returned to ministry. If you’ve followed my past few blogs, you will remember that I have been tending to tomato plants for the past few weeks. The work has often been hard, and so many times I struggled to find the good in what I was doing. 

However, when I finally got back to the greenhouse, I noticed something. There were LOTS of tomatoes. They were big, bright red, beautiful tomatoes that hadn’t been there before. I was suddenly reminded of something our ministry host had told us: 

“If you work through the hard stuff you will eventually see the fruit of your labor.”

Immediately, I was reminded of my b-zone. While I’m not completely out of it yet, there before me was the physical fruits of our ministry labor. And if our pushing through the hard days had produced this much beautiful fruit, how much more could come about through the labors of our b-zones? 

Don’t get me wrong, because b-zones are hard. There is no other way to describe it. But somehow, as I held a big red tomato in my hand the other day, it dawned on me that it was worth it. That there is a deep beauty to be found on the other end of it, as long as I am courageous enough to keep going. 

Thanks for letting me share 🙂 

6 responses to “The Fruit of B-zone”

  1. God has done amazing things as I struggled through my b-zones and I am certain He continues to work faithfully growing you through yours. Praying for your peace and endurance and yes even joy.
    It can be so hard!!
    So glad He sent the message of the tomatoes to you….there will be continuing fruit in your life and His Kingdom. No pain/suffering wasted!

  2. What a blessing to read this Abby as I’m on my mat in my prayer room (currently in my B zone) to cry to the lord because the warfare is so intense and I get an alert and felt inclined to read this before I dive into meditation with him he reminds me of what’s on the other side of the B zone, the fruit. Thank you for sharing this, I can only imagine how difficult being so sick on the mission field has been for you, and in the future, the next time you’re in the B zone, you will have this time to reflect back on, and the fruit that was produced to help you through. Proud of you for clinging to the lord and remembering you are just as important to him as the people you are serving on the field.

  3. you are seriously such an encouragement. thanks for being willing to share & trusting us with the hard things. you’re so loved and fought for. I’m excited to read more about the fruit that’s started to grow & the harvest that comes with. I love you!!

  4. so glad to get an update from you, sorry you had to go thru this. I know from personal rough times that God has a reason for it and I can trust that he will bring me thru it. So glad you are getting thru it and seeing how God took care of you. praying for you.

  5. Abby, so so glad to hear this!! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your vulnerability. And thank you for continuing to give your ‘yes’ in this adventure!

  6. Dang, Abby. What an honor it is to hear and walk and pray alongside you in this journey. I’m so proud of you for sticking it out and witnessing the fruit the Lord has for you. And He’s just getting started!