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One week from today I will be standing IN Georgia for the first phase of my World Race Gap Year. It is so crazy to think that the time has finally arrived, because a LOT has happened since I first signed up to do this in February. There is so much I want to say, but more on that in a bit. 

Last week I used to my Instagram story to open the floor for any questions people might be having about my race, so here are the questions and my best attempt at answers! πŸ™‚ 

What countries are you going to?

I don’t know yet! And I’m honestly not sure when I will find out. Right now we are just waiting for the world to open back up. Honestly, not knowing where we are going yet is kind of exciting for me! Not always knowing the plan is a huge part of life on the mission field so I’m just along for the ride right now and will go wherever God sends me! 

What are you most excited about? 

Community living! I have been getting to know my squad/team over social media since I got accepted in early March but I haven’t met any of them in person yet so I’m really excited to get out there and make some friends. We will be tenting for the first while and I’m also excited about that because God knows it will get me out of my comfort zone! 

What are you most nervous about? 

Saying goodbye to my friends/family. I know that once I do that and get myself where I need to be then I can settle down and work on building my new routine. Honestly, the anticipation of saying goodbye is KILLER so I figure that once it’s over I won’t be so nervous anymore. 

Will you still have social media/can you still be contacted? 

Yep! I plan on remaining somewhat active on social media so everyone knows that I’m still alive and to share all of the cool things God is going to do. However, with that being said, I will not have my phone on me all the time. I know for a fact that my phone usage will be more limited during weekdays. If you are interested in having more specific details on how to contact me, message me and I can give you those! If not, you can just text/call me whenever you want and I’m sure I will manage to answer you at some point πŸ™‚

How are you feeling?

Ahhh it really depends on when you’re asking… lol! I am excited and nervous and ready to go but also wishing time would slow down just little bit. There are so many emotions but I am so thankful for a God who is constant all the time even when I’m all over the place. 

Plans on after the race?

Y’all at least let me get there first! Haha. As of right now I really don’t know. I have a few ideas, but part of the reason I wanted to take a gap year was to explore all of my options without having the threat of student loans hanging over my head. I am praying (and you can too) that this season will be a time of discovering more of who I am and who God has called me to be. 

I also wanted to take the time to say “see you later” to a lot of you. I am not really a fan of the word “goodbye” because goodbye to me seems so permanent. I am not leaving forever, but I am leaving for now and so “see you later” seems more fitting. If you are wanting to see me in person before I leave please reach out! However, if I haven’t specifically called you up to find a time to hang out before I leave, please don’t feel bad. It’s not personal. I have felt very overwhelmed the past few days by the amount of times I would have to say “see you later” if I really tried to see everyone before I left. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the love and support I have received since the moment I announced my gap year. I am floored by the way God has provided for me through this amazing community of people and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for your constant reminder of God’s faithfulness to provide for us if we are willing to say “yes” to whatever He is calling us to do. 

See you later! πŸ™‚